Birds of Nebraska: Newspaper Accounts, 1854-1923

John Bernard O'Sullivan = Tom Moore. March 19, 1916. Omaha Sunday World-Herald 51(25): 12-W.

The Whooping Crane.

  • Hark! to the sweet toned trumpet call from the blue dome of the sky,
  • There's a message for all sportsmen in that far off plaintive cry,
  • From a remnant of a species that is calling for a mate,
  • But its answer is an echo, and it seems to say, "too-o-o-late."
  • Look! away up there, 'tis circling in and out among the clouds,
  • That were once alive with whoopers, but are nothing now but shrouds,
  • That enveloped its ancestors when they used to congregate,
  • And bugle notes to lady cranes, that were nothing like, "too-o-o-late."
  • Think! of the skies of the future-will we have silence or song?
  • What do you think of the whoopers-was killing them right or wrong?
  • There's no use dodging the question, in each of us lies their fate-
  • Will we sing a song of plenty, or forever wail "too-o-o-late?"