Anonymous. October 15, 1875. Omaha Daily Herald 10(317): 4. The Sportsmens Hunt.The Count in Detail Showing the Game that Each Killed.It Was a Bad Day for Ducks.The Club Supper To-night.Members of the Omaha sportsmen club returned from their various hunting grounds yesterday and assembled at 3 p.m. at D.C. Sutphen's store for the grand count. Their annual fall hunt had occurred on the previous day and although one side had to be defeated in the struggle for victory both had done well. Each ahd been allowed to select his favorite ground. Some went to the vicinity of Missouri valley Junction, others to Skeleton or bartlett, also in Iowa, two went to Columbus in this state, two to Horse Shoe lake and others hunted in the vicinity of Bellevue. The following is the count, viz: Captain Preston's Side.Byron Reed killed 3 hawks, 12 mallards, 1 dusky duck, 4 pin tail ducks, 7 teal, 1 Wilson snipe, i kildeer, 5 yellow shanks. Total count, 79. Dr. Coffman, 9 red head, 1 pin tail, 2 scaup, 2 goodwills, 7 teal, 3 golden plover, 2 yellow legs. Total count, 38. J. Budd, 2 mallards, 1 dusky duck, 6 widgeons, 1 goodwill, 1 pin tail, 2 shovellers, 4 teal, 4 hawks, 5 Wilson snipe, 4 kildeer, 1 golden plover, 4 yellow legs. Total count, 72. W.H.S. Hughes, 1 mallard, 3 --, 2 teal, 1 Wilson snipe, 2 yellow shank, 1 hawk. Total count, 14. W.J. Hahn, 2 mallards, 2 pin tails, 10 red breasted snipe, 10 Winslow snipe, 4 golden plover, 2 yellow shanks, 5 sandpipers. Total count, 60. G.T. Mills, 4 mallards, 5 shovelers, 2 wood ducks, 5 teal, 1 gadwall, 1 hawk, 9 Winslow snipe, 6 golden plover, 1 pin tail, 1 yellow shank. Total count, 60. W. Preston, 2 grouse, 4 mallards, 2 pin tails, 1 wood duck, 3 shovelers, 9 teal, 8 Winslow snipe, 4 golden plover, 1 yellow leg, 1 sand piper. Total county, 54. H.B. Sackett, 76 Winslow snipe, 1 clapper rail, 3 golden plover, 1 teal, 17 R.B. snipe, 3 killdeer, 5 yellow shanks, 2 sand pipers. Total count, 180. G.A. Hoagland, 22 mallards, 22 wood, 12 widgeons, 2 pin tails, 1 gadwell, 21 teal, 1 shoveler, 1 merganser, 6 hawks, 15 Winslow snipe, 6 R.B. snipe, 10 yellow shanks, 6 golden plover, 6 killdeer, Total count, 251. J.W. Jones, 5 mallards, 2 pin tails, 2 widgeons, 7 teal, 4 Winslow snipe, 2 R.B. snipe, 1 Virginia rail, 1 yellow shank, 2 sandpipers, 1 grouse, 2 hawks. Total count, 56. A. Donaghue, 3 W. snipe, 1 yellowshank, 1 hawk. Total count, 12. C.H. Phillips, 11 W. snipe, 4 R.B. snipe, 5 sandpipers, 1 killdeer, 2 yellow shanks, 1 golden plover, 3 teal, 1 grouse, 1 mallard, 1 gradwell, 1 snow goose, 2 hawks. Total count, 62. D.C. Sutphen, 6 W. snipe, 3 yellow shanks, 6 golden plover, 3 grouse, 1 snow goose, 1 hawk. Total count, 32. Total for Preston's side 976. Capt. Kennedy's Side.H.W. Yates, 5 mallards, 6 pin tail, 1 wood, 4 teal, 5 snipe, 1 yellow leg, 1 plover, 1 hawk. Total count, 50. G.B. Lake, 19 W. snipe, 2 hawks, 1 yellow legs. Total count, 49. R.N. Withnell and J. Withnell hunted together and their game was counted in common. They killed 57 W. snipe, 114 -, 4 mallards, 4 shovelers, 2 pin tails, 1 widgeon, 12 teal, 2 Virginia rail, 2 brown snipe, 13 yellow shank, 1 killdeer, 2 hawks. Total count, 178. Z. Taylor, 4 mallards, 1 red head, 1 pin tail, 5 teal, 5 W. snipe, 1 yellow leg, 2 sand pipers. Total count, 34. C. Crang, 4 W. snipe, 1 black plover, 1 sand piper, 5 mallards, 2 pin tail, 1 wood, 5 teal, 5 bald pates, 1 red head, 1 hawk. total count, 47. P. Windheim, 1 hawk, 4 teal, 1 scaup, 1 merganser, 1 shoveller, 4 W. snipe. Total count, 16. B.E.B. Kennedy, 2 mallards, 8 W. snipe, 1 scaup, 1 gadwall, 10 teal, 3 hawks. Total, 50. Y. Hathaway, 4 mallards, 1 pin tail, 1 merganser, 2 shovellers, 10 teal, 26 yellow shanks, 1 bald eagle. Total count, 78. E.B. Chandler, 3 grouse, 2 teal, 1 yellow shank, 5 hawks. Total count, 31. Total of Capt. Kennedy's side, 543. On Capt. Preston's side S.H. Quimby and S.S. Caldwell did not go out. On Capt. Kennedy's side John Petty, D.S. Barringer, J. Van Orman, John M. Thurston and T.L. Kimball, did not go out. The club supper will be given at the Grand Central this evening at 8:30 o'clock. Members are requested to call on the secretary, Mr. W.H.S. Hughes, this forenoon at the First national bank and procure their tickets. |