Editor [possibly Miles Greenleaf]. January 16, 1921. Omaha Sunday World-Herald 56(15=16): 8-E. A bird editorial. The Lonesome Bluebird.There is something close to pathetic in the reluctance of the Bluebird to leave the northern climes in the winter. It seems to love us so much that it will risk its very life to stay here, even under the constant danger of killing temperatures or sleet storms or blizzards that would cut off nearly every food supply known to this particular bird and result in certain death. Bluebirds, however, are still lingering about the bottom land, where there is plenty of underbrush to furnish protection, and plenty of weed seeds and larvae for food. A week ago today a Bluebird was seen in Dundee, probably coming up from the valley jungles to look over its old summer haunts. It was a relatively warm Sunday, as you may remember, and the beautiful "critter," in its dusky winter clothes, was indeed a welcome treat. There are instances on record in which Bluebirds, so anxious to remain with their northern friends, have braved blizzards and attempted to preserve their existence by hiding in deserted houses, where they were later found, starved, or were innocently burned when fires were started. The Bluebird is the songster of our childhood, and clings to us more strongly than any other - even than the Robin - for the Bluebird does not possess the stamina of the larger Redbreast, and therefore makes a bigger sacrifice and takes more chances. We love you, Bluebird, and all luck to you! |