August 13, 1885. Forest and Stream 25(3): 47. Lawless Nebraskans After Prairie Chickens (Summer 1885)Lawless Nebraskans.-Editor Forest and Stream: Although our season for prairie chickens in this State does not open until Sept. 1, they are being shot off already at a rate which promises to leave very few for those of us who prefer to obey the law. The season opened very favorably and the promise of a good chicken crop was excellent; but since the first of July everybody has been shooting the birds. Some of the broods are scarcely big enough to fly even now, and are, of course, utterly valueless as food; but they are killed all the same. The poachers start out with teams, concealing their guns in the bottom of the wagon, and having their fishing rods in plain sight. They announce that they are going fishing, and take their dogs along to give them "a run." When they get well out of town the "sport" begins. I am sorry to say that the district judge, the sheriff of the county and many of our best citizens are not ashamed to take part in this despicable business. It strikes me that there is a good chance for some one to do a good deal of missionary work in this part of our State.—Koots (Duncan, Neb., July 30). |