October 13, 1912. Omaha Sunday Bee 42(17): 4-S. Hunters Expect a HarvestOmaha Sportsmen Hie Themselves to Lake and Field.Ducks and Chickens PlentifulBig Birds Put In An Appearance - Good Bags Are Looked For - Mrs. Stewart Accompanies Her Husband.Despite the fact that nearly everyone has complained more or less about the rainy weather of last week, there is one clan of the human specie in Nebraska who have embraced the dampsome days with open arms. They are the sons of Nimrod, who know that on the heavy rain laden air hundreds of the feathered web-footed fowl are hurrying toward the south and the dinner table. Duck shooting should from all climatical standpoints be at its very best, and from the reports that have been coming in from all parts of the state this is the true condition of affairs. Yesterday saw a number of hunters gather together their game garnering utensils and hike to the lakes, marshes and shallow rivers of the state. The big ducks are advancing from the cooler regions with a steadfastness that bodes for a good flight, though in all probability it will be a short one. When the big birds come, then cold weather is not far in their rear, and experienced sportsmen, who prefer them to the smaller ones, are aware of the fact and are making all possible haste to plan their outings accordingly. White geese and brant, the first of this family to make their appearance, have been seen in several localities, although few have yet been killed, a sure sign of the not distant winter. The early fall shooting this year has probably had more followers than the same season of the last two or three years, and while no great killings have been made, all sportsmen who have been out have had more or less good luck. The weather for the most part has been pleasant, and what has not been made up in the game bag has been more than balanced by outings under the most favorable kind of conditions. Chicken shooting, from every standpoint, has been splendid, the birds have been thicker than the proverbial fly, and notwithstanding the scant number allowed each man by the law, the sportsmen in general have no kick coming, as the majority have had little trouble in securing the limit. Opinion as to whether the chicken law is generous enough, is a topic of much discussion amongst the shooters these days; some think the limit far too little, while the greater number are staunch supporters of the law, reasoning that this is the only way in which one of the grandest of American game birds may be saved from extinction. Anyway, the enforcement of such a law is bound to have its good effect, if only in curbing the insatiable appetite of the gamehog, whose limit is the emptiness of his shell case. Nebraska, while probably the best state in the union for the hunting of ducks and chicken, is no slaughtering ground, and to preserve its reputation, laws which sometimes seem to restrict the hunter, are really benefits to him in the end. George Redick and Frank Haskell left yesterday afternoon for a two weeks' duck hunt near Cody, Neb. Both men have been out on short expeditions before this fall, but are making this trip the climax of their hunting for 1912. They are stopping as a ranch about thirty-five miles northwest of Cody, and are assured of all the shooting they can possibly handle. George A. Hoagland and his sons, Paul and Will, are at present somewhere in Pierce county indulging in their favorite pastime. This party has placed no time limit on the trip, and providing the weather remains favorable for good shooting they will stay until they have made a creditable bag. Pierce county in general is their stamping ground, and if a spot proves unproductive they intend searching until they find one that is. Frank McConnell and L.M. Pegau leave today for Wood Lake, from which point they will go to Marsh lake, where they will put in the week shooting ducks. Wood Lake has been a point from which a great many hunters have journeyed in search of sport during late years and the duck shooting in this territory is reported to be much above the average this season. Frank Frederick starts today for Gordon where he goes to meet a hunting party that have been on the ground for some time. He had not contemplated going until later in the week, but promising reports from his crowd started the fever and he could not wait no longer. H.D. Sobotker and party left last Friday afternoon for Hyannis for a three weeks' duck and chicken harvest in the regions surrounding this point. Sobotker received a telegram Thursday morning from the owner of the ranch where they stop stating that the shooting could not be improved upon and to hurry along with his gang. There are five cameras in the party, so judging from this fact, they are probably going to take a picture while away. H.E. Fredrickson starts next week for Wyoming on a big game expedition. Fred has received all the assurance in the world of flushing a covey or so of these delectables and he is counting at least on bringing home a nice mess. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart left Saturday for Oshkosh, Neb., to spend a week or ten days on Ezra Kendall's ranch near that place hunting the festive duck. Mrs. Stewart is fully as fond of the sport as her husband and can handle a shotgun with the best of them. On former expeditions her full share to the game bag, and on one occasion it is whispered, that Richard also ran. Kendall's ranch is in the very heart of a splendid ducking region and this couple fully expect to return home with the limit. |